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Post- Graduate

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about I plan to study postgraduate studies.

I wish to specialize in intercultural education and comprehensive Sexual Education in childhood. These are important components in education. On the one hand, interculturality allows us all to get to know each other, value and live with different cultural universes, enriching our experiences as people and as a society, and comprehensive sexual education provides tools so that adolescents can: Express their emotions and feelings. , decide freely and responsibly when to start sexual relations and with whom, avoid unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections, know the rights of pregnant adolescents to continue studying, respect sexual diversity and reject all forms of discrimination, build a critical analysis of daily messages about sexuality, knowing who to turn to in case of sexual violence, among others.

Although they are important components in education, public policies that consecrate the implementation of this in the curricula have not yet been implemented. When talking about comprehensive sexual education in Chile, a part of the population sees its formation with eyes of morbidity.

Currently, in the postgraduate school of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Chile, the Master's Degree in Gender and Culture Studies, mention in Social Sciences, is offered. I hope to be able to do it at the end of my career, considering that the last year can be combined with the first year of the master's degree and thus only pay for the second year of the specialization. Anyway, the tariff is high and money is tight. This Magister is carried out in person in the commune of Ñuñoa, Metropolitan Region, Chile. For this reason, it is another reason to do it, since it is taught in the place where I study my degree, so I know the route, and it has a focus on the national and Latin American context.

The aforementioned magister has a branch called Gender and Development and Planning Models for Public Policies. I find it interesting and it is the one I like the most within the curriculum. I think it is important that planning for public policies be taught from a gender perspective, relieving teaching work and encouraging it to go beyond the classroom.

And you? Would you like to do a specialization?
