Hello everyone! Today I will talk about my dream job.
I am currently studying early childhood education at the Juan Gómez Millas Campus of the University of Chile. I only have two years left to work as an educator. Being an educator is my dream job.
My future work, many times, is not valued in society. People believe that child education is an easy job and just requires patience. This is totally false. The educators study for 5 years aspects related to the psychology and development of the human being, the history of education and its different theories, philosophy and sociology, as well as different pedagogical knowledge. My work is one of the most important, we are part of the initial development of language and communication, psychomotricity and the initial knowledge of people. For this and much more I love pedagogy and as Uncle Ben says to Spiderman "with power comes great responsibility" and educators train people who will change the world.I imagine that my future work will not be easy, but I will have theoretical tools, didactic and digital resources, as well as communication skills to mediate in different situations that arise in the educational context. The average salary for a kindergarten teacher in Chile is $650,660 per month. It is a salary that does not compare to all the work we do. Although I don't care about the salary, I would be an educator even if they didn't pay me.
I once heard a math teacher say that he taught in the public high school because he was needed there. Pedagogy becomes even more necessary “where the potatoes are burned”. That phrase marked me. I have believed the same ever since, and long to be an educator in the places where education is most needed. I have thought about exercising in prisons because did you know that in Chile there are currently 104 infants between 0 and 2 years in prison? It is not a minor number. I also want to work in the best childhood service, former SENAME (hopefully it will be extinguished) or in camps (I also hope that people can live in a safe house and with dignity)
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